Veterinary Technician Week
Veterinary Technician Week is a week where we get to celebrate the amazing technicians, assistants, and client service team members who make a difference in our veterinary hospitals each and every day.
These individuals are the ones who take great care of our patients, comfort our clients, and support our veterinary teams to the fullest serving a larger purpose and impact that few realize.
Here are some of the fun, unique ways Innovetive Petcare clinics recognized their team members this year:
- Coffee Cart
- Succulent Planting
- Gift Bags
- T-Shirts
- Coffee Cart (AESC-Knoxville)
- Succulent Planting Party (Austin Urban Veterinary Center)
- Gift Bags (Lenoir City Animal Clinic)
- Custom T-Shirts (Doral Centre Animal Hospital)
Thank you to all our incredible techs, assistants, CSRs, and the like who make our clinics the incredible places they are!